Monday, March 3, 2014

Great Lakes Initiative - Milwaukee, Wisconsin's Avengers

Today I learned that there is a “sister team” of the Avengers and the Avengers West Coast. Based out of Milwaukee, WI, the Great Lakes Initiative was founded by Mister Immortal and consisted of Big Bertha, Doorman, Flatman, and Squirrel Girl, all of which ended up playing more cards than actually fighting bad guys. The GLI teamed up with the likes of Captain America, the Human Torch, and She-Hulk. Deadpool was even a “reserve member” of the team for a while before being removed from GLA headquarters because he proved to be too much of a nuisance. 

They had many affiliations. Starting as the Great Lakes Initiative, the team was discovered by Mockingbird and Hawkeye, who later ended up training the team as Avengers. They usually kept to themselves, staying far out of the limelight, except during situations where they were called upon by their Avenger West Coast and original Avenger brethren for help.

They remained Avengers by name until they saved the world from their arch nemesis, Maelstrom. In a daring battle, they defeated him but gained no recognition for the events. After losing the rights to the Avenger’s name due to legal threats from the Maria Stark Foundation, the team had a realization that they all were mutants, thus becoming GLX, or the Great Lakes X-Men.

They remained the GLX until the events of the Superhero Civil War, where they became the first team to register with the superhuman registration act, becoming the government initiative team from Wisconsin.

The more you know… 

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